Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yale Art Gallery

Assignment: Go to the Yale Art Gallery, find a work of art that speaks to you then tell its story.                    

         One day someone provoked the people, especially the youth, against injustice, tyranny, poverty and ignorance. They made a revolution against the king who exploited the authority instead of serving the people who chose him to achieve their dreams and provide a decent life. This king was unfair because he and his sons lived in great palaces and other people lived in old houses and tents. The electricity was very bad and every thing was very expensive. The people could not live a decent life. most of youth did not have work to do, so there were a lot of crimes committed. Some employers took brides to ease the procedures for the money because their wages were very low and they couldn't pay the lease and feed their children. This king was not interested in learning, so the ignorance increased and diseases also. The hospitals were very bad in their services so a lot of patients died in these hospitals because there was no service. All these things made the people revolt against this king, especially when he tried to give the authority to his son who would control as his father. So the leader of this revolution led the youth to the palace and overcame this king and his associates. They punished them for all their crimes which they committed against the people and the people put them in jail.The people considered who should become king so they decided that the leader of this revolution should be the king so they chose him as a king because he saved their life from that king. When he became a king, he made a better life for these people and they lived in a freedom. The people decided to make a statue for him and they made that statue and then they put that statue in a museum to save it.


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