Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The immigration to United States

I'd like to talk about the turning point in my life and it was my immigration to United States. It was a big deal in my life because I was living in Egypt and it is my country and I left my roots, my family, my friends, and every thing that I love there. I left all of that to come to the United States for a better life. We heard a lot about the United States that is was the best country, better life, and beautiful country. When I came here to the United states I left everything I knew and came to a place that was strange for me. It was certainly a turning point for me!

I just want to explain what is the difference between United States and Egypt for me. In Egypt I was living in a small town near Cairo and its called Banha. I have a lot of friends there that I love and they love me and I didn't want to leave them at all.  I have a big family who I want to see, and I miss them a lot because my family is a special family because we do everything together. However, I hope that i'm living there because in United States I don not have  family I just live with my parents and my brothers. Also, my  brothers are living in Egypt, not here because they have their universities there because one is in an engineering university and the other one in business college. So, they just come two months of the year to stay with us and then they go back to Egypt and they are here just for the holiday. Actually, i'm living with my parents and my younger brother. Also, I don't have many friends HERE so, I think that i'm living alone and i'm doing everything by myself, because nobody is living with me to give his opinion.


 City of Banha  

   I just want to say that I want to live in my country and in my small city more than anywhere else because every thing that I love is there, like my friends, my family, my city, and my teachers. So, I think that you guys now understand what is my turning point!!

Monday, August 4, 2014


Ramadan is a welfare and charity month. This month is the greatest month of the year for Muslims. Muslims  always wait it eagerly every year because it's the best month for them. Actually all Muslims always pray five times a day, but in this month they are praying more than five times a day. Also, they are fasting every day from 3:30 am to 8:30 pm. We fast this month because our God ordered us to fast to feel what poor people feel when they can not buy food and feel hungery. Also, our God gives permission for anyone ill or who travels for a long time to not fast on that day. Most people invite each other for lunch and some neighbors give each other food and eat with each other. Also, the whole family, like uncles, aunts, the grandparents and everyone in the family are eating with each other. The rich people make big tents to feed the poor people or anyone in the streets who can not go back home in the time to take lunch. And our god ordered rich people to give poor people money to enable them to buy food to feed their family.


However, for me I don't think that I was in Ramadan because when I was in Egypt, I was playing with my friends after lunch but here I do not have a lot of friends so i'm not playing too much like Egypt. Also, i'm not eating with my family like Egypt and also because the major in Egypt are Muslims so we all feel the same thing so it is interesting there but here just a few people doing that so it is not interesting at all,  but I have to do that because it is a big part of Muslims Religion. I do not feel the same sense like Egypt and my parents tried to make us to feel the same sense like Egypt, but we could not feel the same sense. However, I hope that I was in Egypt in Ramadan to enjoy these days.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Muslims Feast ( Eid )

 Eid is a Muslims feast, and how Muslims celebrate their Feast ( Eid ). First, the parents buy new clothes for their children, sometimes some of them buy the clothes before Ramadan starts and other people buy the clothes in the last days of Ramadan. Also, they buy desserts. All women clean their houses well at the last days of Ramadan. Most women help their mother in law in cleaning their houses also in working specially in baking. They always make biscuits and cakes of  feast ( Eid ). However, at 8:30 am in the first day of  feast ( Eid ) all Muslims pray El Eid. After that they go back home and they eat biscuits and cake of Eid. All people say to each other happy feast ( Eid ). In that day the relatives visit each other like uncles and aunts, give their nephews money as we called it Edia to buy any thing that they want. Most of the children buy toys, balls,......etc. And most people are going to cinemas and some of them take their family and go to parks to play with their children to enjoy the days of feast ( Eid ). This is a general celebration in Egypt.

However, for us here my father and my mother tried to give us the same sense as in Egypt. My mother made special chips and biscuits. Also, I helped my mother in doing the desserts and also in cleaning the house because I don't have sisters . In the first day of Eid my father took us to pray El Eid in the mosque at 7:30 am. When we came back home, we took our breakfast. My dad invited his friend's and his family to talk his lunch with us but I was not with them because I had a listening and speaking class. However, after returning me, my dad took us and his friends and we went to the beach in West Haven. Finally, I just want to say that I did not feel the same sense as in Egypt and I hope that I was in Egypt during these days to be with my friends.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

People learn from their mistakes.

I believe in people learning from their mistakes. A lot of people I know, have made mistakes, learned from them, and tried their best not to do that mistake again. I know this does not happen for all people, but this happens to most people I know. If I did a chart of how many people learn from their mistakes, and how many people don’t, I bet there would be way more people on the side of those who learn from their mistakes.

 One of my examples I could use to prove my belief is when I was four years old and I cut myself with a knife. First, I was watching my mom while she was cooking dinner. She was cutting some potatoes into little pieces for a part of our dinner. She put the potatoes into a pan while I was behind her. I don’t know why, but since I was only three and a half years old, and, I did not know what a knife was and what to use it for, I got the knife and slid my finger along the sharp side of the knife. I cut myself very badly that day. I felt bad because of my finger. But I made a mistake and I learned never to play with knives. I also tried my best not to cut myself again.

Most people I know have learned from their mistakes. Like I said, this does not happen to a lot of people, but this happens to most people. So, I believe that people learn from their mistakes.

the Egyption revolution

I want to talk about the biggest issue in Egypt. I want to talk about my country. It's one of the best countries in the world. It was and is still the heart of Arab Nations. It is quiet all the year. Many tourists come to see the great pharaohs and the pyramids. Egypt has about two-thirds of the monuments of the world.

I want to talk about a big issue in Egypt. On January,25, 2011, the youth rebelled against the president and his government because of the injustice, the unemployment and the rising prices. They found that they could not with this live. They began to make groups in Facebook to make a revolution to stop everything bad and to take their own freedom. They had already did their own revolution and they succeeded in that but a lot of people died. Also, a lot of people got hurt during this revolution. After that the young people did not feel safe and the economy began to collapse. Many employees protested and had sit-ins against the government, most factories were closed. Also, the unemployment increased and many workers could not find any work to feed their children. Most people said that the old treatment is better than these days.


In my opinion, the best way to solve these problems is that the people in Egypt must choose a president who can achieve their dreams. The parliament must force to make some amendments for laws to achieve the equality between the people. The people must help the president to stop the sit-ins and the strikes to return back and to become better than before because the president can not do every thing by him self. The people must help the president to improve the economy,the tourism, and equal rights. Also, everyone must take his work seriously and work hard. In this way Egypt can return and it will be better than before. I think that is the best solution to resolve that problem to move forward.

Three things I have learned in my life

The first lesson that I have learned in my life is "Never trust anyone" because if you tell a secret to someone, you don't know what he is going to do with this secret behind your back. I learned that because 2 years ago I told a secret to my friend. He told this secret to the people that I don't want them to know that secret. And I got in trouble because these people know the secret. Also, you are not sure whether he will say this to other people or not, so you will be worried about that. I think you should keep your secrets to your self, it's the best solution to save yourself.

The second lesson that I have learned is "Don't judge anyone you don't know by his cover because you don't know him well." I learned that because I judged someone I do not know well. I thought that he is a bad person but when I talked with him I changed my idea about that person because he is a good person. After that he became one of my best friends and I missed him a lot. You must know the person  first and then you can judge him. I think that judging a person not define who they are, it defines who you are.

The third lesson that I have learned is "Nobody is perfect because nobody has not made mistakes." Every living creature is only an approximation of an ideal. I learned that because I have never met someone perfect.

Finally, I want to say that nobody in the world is perfect and judging people that you don't know them it is such a stupid thing and also it defines who you are. However, I think everybody learnt a lot from his life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

the park description

Assignment: choose a public place around Yale campus and describe what you see.

I was sitting in front of the building on the bench in nice weather and it was sunny and the grass was little bit wet, and there were beautiful green trees with nice wet branches that dropped water from them. And the view of the dew drops when they dropped ofthe branches was very nice. Also, you cannot imagine how beautiful was this view. Also, I imagined  that I was in paradise. I saw a big group of students with their teacher playing on the grass and there were very many students in that group And I think they were coming from the library because they came from the library direction. Also, I saw two students, a girl and boy, sitting together on the bench and I think they were doing their work together on the laptop because they were discussing their work and I think they had a project together. Also i saw nice man who was walking with his dog and the dog was so big and it had white hair and the dog was so nice and suddenly the dog wanted to play with me and the dog played with me and in that moment I hope that dog was mine because he was one of the most beautiful dogs that I have seen in my life.